Millions of people are opting out of real life and signing up to "live" in computer worlds instead - and there is a fortune to be made there by selling goods and expertise in the virtual world.
Big businesses including Reebok, Nissan and Calvin Klein have spotted the potential for making real money in the virtual world.
It's estimated that the market is already worth more than £500m ($1bn) a year.
One of the most popular virtual worlds is Second Life, which started in 1991 from an office in San Francisco, to which more than two million people have signed up. Second Life is a realistic yet exaggerated world populated by "avatars", each one of which has a real world owner.
"I think in the more distant future a lot of human collaboration and creativity is very likely to move into cyberspace. And, it's going to be a change that will affect the whole world in ways that I know I can't understand."- Philip Rosedale, SecondLife Creator
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