About Serious Games

Serious games (SGs) or persuasive games are computer and video games used as persuasion technology or educational technology. They can be similar to educational games, but are often intended for an audience outside of primary or secondary education. Serious games can be of any genre and many of them can be considered a kind of edutainment.

Madden NFL 2010 Preview

Friday 15 June 2007

US Congress Plays Redistricting Game

An online game developed at the University of Southern California’s Game Innovation Lab explores how redistricting - the redrawing of Congressional district boundaries - can essentially disenfranchise voters.

"It is not easy to make the redistricting process understandable -- and near-miraculous to be able to do so in a highly entertaining way. But that is just what The Redistricting Game does, to the gratitude of all who want Americans to understand how this process is working, and why it needs real reform."
- Norm Ornstein, American Enterprise Institute

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